MERENDA ROCK MARKETING | 22-23 February 2020 | RDS Stadium Rimini (Italy)
There are 7 Immutable Principles of Marketing that Frank Merenda and his mentor Jay Abraham want you to meet for free before setting foot in the stadium where – for two days – you will be exposed to the magic ray that will give you the superpowers to win customers and multiply by at least 10 times the amount of contracts you are used to close… as demonstrated over the years by the stories of their companies and the countless students they have in every sector!
SCRiVENDA | 27-28 March 2020 | Lugano (Switzerland)
Course SCRiVENDA – The original copy by Frank Merenda
The copywriting that really works in the 21st century is what drives the positioning of your company. And SCRiVENDA is the only course in the world that teaches you how to do it right, even if you’re not an experienced writer.
Venditore Vincente 2019 | 28-29-30 November, 1 December| Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, Barcellona (Spain)
Venditore Vincente 2019 arrives in Spain!
Palau de Congressos de Catalunya – Avinguda Diagonal, 661-671, 08028 Barcellona (Spagna)
Discover new techniques and strategies to sell more in the new location in Barcelona.
Superman Venta | 8 September 2019 | Hotel SB Diagonal Zero, Barcelona (España)
Metodo Merenda arrives in Spain!
Discover new techniques and strategies to sell more in Spain.
Marketing Evil | 16 – 17 February 2019 | Palacongressi, Rimini (Italy)
Within the course I will explain how to get out of the tunnel of fuffa-marketing and ineffective sales techniques, providing you with a tested customer acquisition system based on the “Info-First” concept.
The founding father of Brand Positioning and his daughter Laura, the creator of the “Visual Hammer” concept, will be with me on stage to provide you with the most advanced strategies to get you to the first position in your customers’ minds.